Life of struggler

One who laughs, one who disgrace and other one will make fool.

That’s the struggler, the conclusion on life of Struggler. Everybody makes joke on a man who struggle in his life. The clever people think fool, arrogant will think dumb and double minded person take advantage.

No one will respect that, no one have kindness for that. No one think good of that. Everyone mislead to that person.

In my perspective struggle is not what we do a full time work or a struggle for our family, or for livelihood. Struggle means to fight with ourselves for sake of good future, peace and most important self respect. In struggle you don’t gain respect, you earn it. Because that’s the time where you knows your true value of yourself. No other will earn this, only you will fight it.

Struggling is not bad thing, but struggling by own is most cruel thing in the world. Why? Because struggling oneself is the only factor for your true potential. In this you sacrifices your willingness and your character, what are you are what not is not a part of that.

Every person who struggle by own will only survive if he ready to surrender. Because without losing you never succeed, that’s the language of struggle


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